Vitamin D and Fertility, why is it so important?

Vitamin D helps regulate reproductive hormones:

Vitamin D helps regulate the production of reproductive hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone, and studies have shown that women with sufficient Vitamin D levels have more regular menstrual cycles and are more likely to ovulate consistently. This is crucial for fertility, you must be ovulating each month to have a chance of conceiving.

Vitamin D enhances and supports ovarian function:

Optimal Vitamin D levels support the health, function and development of ovarian follicles, which are essential for the release of healthy eggs during ovulation.

Vitamin D improves egg quality:

Adequate Vitamin D levels are linked to improved egg quality. Some studies have shown that women with higher Vitamin D levels had better-quality eggs. Better-quality eggs improves the chances of conception, embryo development and pregnancy.

Vitamin D improves IVF success rates:

For those undergoing IVF, Vitamin D can play a significant role. Research has shown that women with optimal Vitamin D levels are more likely to have successful IVF outcomes, including higher pregnancy rates and healthier embryos.

Vitamin D supports ovulation in Women with PCOS:

Supplementing with Vitamin D to achieve healthy levels has been shown to improve ovulation rates, egg development and pregnancy in women with PCOS.

How to maintain optimal Vitamin D levels:

  • Sun exposure: This is the best way to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D, aim for 10-30 minutes of sun exposure several times a week.

  • Diet: Include Vitamin D-rich foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified dairy products.

  • Supplements: Consider a Vitamin D supplement, especially if you have limited sun exposure or dietary intake. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.


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