Shakshuka eggs w/ sourdough



Serves 1-2

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp paprika

1 clove fresh garlic crushed

¼ brown onion

¼ red capsicum chopped

1 red chilli chopped finely, just use half if you don’t like it too hot

½ tin of organic chopped tomatoes or 2 fresh tomatoes chopped (if using fresh add a tsp of tomato paste)

¼ cup vegetable stock or hot water

2 organic eggs

A few sprigs of parsley to top, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste



Heat a medium sized pan over medium-high heat, add the oil, garlic, onion, paprika, capsicum and chilli to the pan and fry for about 5 minutes.

Add the chopped tomatoes and vegetable stock, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Make 2 indentations not too close to each other and crack the eggs into the indentations.

Place a lid over the pan and let cook until the egg whites are completely cooked.

Remove the lid once the egg whites are cooked, sprinkle the chopped parsley over the top and serve with some good quality crusty sourdough toast or however you like and enjoy.


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